Digital Transformation Health Check
Are you set up to get ideas into production fast?
What is it?
In a one-hour check-up, we will make a high-level assessment your organization’s potential for and progress towards harnessing the opportunities offered by digital transformation.
Meet a Transformation Specialist to gather information in terms of strategy, experience, and execution. What purpose does digital have in your business? What opportunities does digital present to gain an advantage over your competition? How can digital deliver operational efficiencies? What skills does your organization need to successfully deliver digital solutions?
Who is this for?
Product Owners, Product Managers, Innovation leaders and business function leaders who want to create innovative, user-centric digital products.
What will you learn?
- You will gain a better understanding of what your organization is getting right—and where digital could be working harder.
- Find out what skills you need to progress your digital transformation journey.